Good morning..Ufuk memanggil tuk bangun. Kubuka jendela, embun bening sambut indahnya pagi.. Selamat mengitari beranda seisinya, lalui 'jendela nella swulan'......
It's great to be able to keep in touch with you. Please look at a glance through a window of mine , then if you want to know more, come inside viewing a door.. a door which let you see how's life there, by a clear dew, with a heart ... I wish you an enjoyable time throughout the pages.
Dear you, well actually how I wanna tell you a story from this window, when I had revealed my first baby, Naufal Ismail to see this world... He was born 11 years ago in this house, helped by 'a bidan' caused there was 2nd day of Idul Fitri and no geanecolog surrounds who could helped my pregnancy. Then my baby was born by a bidan and 'paraji' (my sisters in law, thanks so much). Naufal is good and health even was born in a village, by a bidan and paraji.. Yup, the things had used to do by a bidan, such a knife, an injection, a spoon of revealing, etc had boiled by my husband himself, at a kitchen! He was wondered whether it would done well or not. He has got an airy-feeling surely! He said that he had boiled by pray and pray for me and a baby. He never ever forgotten the time being. Seems a miracle...
Thank's GOD that everything had well-done.
(I had written a story and it was published on Ayah Bunda Magazine in 1999 and on Tabloid Ibu dan Anak)
do u kno what, uufhh.. heart of mine is so beating hard :)
* heeheee... ( i have no snack or even cemilan yet, rarely have got dinner
indeed, hungry.....) see you !